November 10, 2019, New York, USA

1st ACM Workshop on Device-Free Human Sensing

A Buildsys 2019 Workshop



For information about the registration, please refer to Buildsys Registration .

Travel Grant

DFHS Workshop at BuildSys 2019 is pleased to provide multiple student travel grants to broaden the participation in the workshop and co-located events. This support is made possible by the generous support from the AiFi-AI for Retail Stores.


  • - The grant is available only for all full-time undergraduate and graduate students attending a college or university worldwide (including US).
  • - Students from minorities and underrepresented groups will be given higher priority and are encouraged to apply.

Selection Criteria

Priority will be given to those who will benefit from attending the workshop and the co-located events, but are unlikely to attend due to the unavailability of travel funding. Underrepresented minorities and women are particularly encouraged to apply.

Terms and Conditions

  1. Please note that the travel grant is meant to partially cover the cost of attending and participating in the SenSys/BuildSys week.
  2. Note also that the award recipients will need to pay for the expenses ahead of time and get reimbursed after the conference.
  3. The only travel expenses that reimbursements can be used towards are: transportation, hotel, and conference registration.
  4. The exact number of awards will depend on the availability of funds and will be determined as funding amounts are finalized. The maximum amount of each award is $1000.

Application Guidelines

  • - The student applicant must fill up the application form here .
  • - The student applying to the device free human sensing travel grant should request her academic/research advisor to send a brief(2-3 paragraphs explaining why DFHS is related to student’s research/education; not required for undergraduate applicants) email here ( with the subject "ACM DFHS19 Travel Award Support Letter" and no more than 3 sentence response to each question below (bullet point response appreciated for each question below in your letter):
    1. Name of the student applicant and degree program enrolled this semester.
    2. Does the student belong to a group that is under-represented in STEM?
    3. Is your institution a minority-serving or an under-represented institution or in an under-represented state?
    4. If the student is presenting a paper, did the paper result from a funded project? If yes, please state the title of the paper and the source of funding.
    5. If the student receives this travel award, will you or your institution cover the costs that exceed the award?
    6. Do you strongly support the application from this student for this travel award? Please provide any statements in support of this application.
  • - Successful applicants will receive an award letter by e-mail together with instructions on how to receive partial refunds, which will be issued to the person or institution that covered the expenses. Note that the student’s institution or advisor is expected to cover the remaining expenses for the travel if the travel grant does not completely cover it.

Important Dates

  • - Application deadline: September 9, 2019 (AoE)
  • - Notification of acceptance: September 12, 2019
  • - Award acceptance: September 16, 2019 (AoE)