November 10, 2019, New York, USA

1st ACM Workshop on Device-Free Human Sensing

A Buildsys 2019 Workshop



The advent of human sensing has enabled many applications in smart buildings and cities, including healthcare, energy management, and marketing. Considerable work has been done in the recent past to sense the human using devices which they carry or wear, such as smartphones and wearables. These approaches, although potentially accurate, have high installation and maintenance requirement which limits their application in some real-life applications. For example, in eldercare monitoring, requiring the elderly to wear or carry a device at all times is an important limitation. This calls for research for device-free human sensing. Specifically, we need to 1) develop device-free sensing hardware and 2) design data-driven, physics-based, or physics-guided data-driven algorithms to extract meaningful information about human status, activities, and behavioral patterns.

This full-day workshop solicits technical papers describing original, previously unpublished research, not currently under review by another conference or journal, pertaining to Device-Free Human Sensing, including sensing systems and algorithms. It provides a forum for a broad range of unsolicited high-quality scientific research papers that meet the criteria of originality, presentation quality, and topic relevance. Submissions should clearly identify how they relate to topics under consideration in this workshop. Contributions describing an overall working system and reporting real-world deployment experiences are particularly of interest.

Device-free topics of interest include but are not limited to:

  • - Indoor occupant localization/navigation
  • - User identification
  • - User authentication
  • - Indoor activity recognition
  • - Occupancy estimation
  • - Occupant health monitoring
  • - Occupant and Customer behaviour tracking
  • - Mood and emotion assessment
  • - Human-Building and Human-Computer interaction
  • - Human sensing in hazardous environment
  • - In-vehicle people health, mood, and emotion monitoring
  • - New platform or sensing modalities for device-free human sensing
  • - Device-free heterogeneous sensing
  • - Learning algorithms and models for perception, understanding, and adaptation to deployment variation

Paper Types

We solicit two types of original submissions: Notes papers for oral presentation (4 pages) and Abstract papers for short oral presentations (2 pages). The shorter length of the papers aims to encourage the younger researchers and industry experts to submit their papers in this workshop. Further, they aim to attract novel and multi-disciplinary research topics which are not yet fully developed and can incite discussion in the workshop audience. The workshop will have best paper award and multiple travel grants (through collaboration with Bosch and Aifi).

Important Dates

  • - Submission deadline: August 8, 2019, 11:59:59pm AOE August 12, 2019, 11:59:59pm AOE
  • - Notifications: August 26, 2019, 11:59:59pm AOE August 30, 2019, 11:59:59pm AOE
  • - Camera ready : September 6, 2019, 11:59:59pm AOE September 15, 2019, 11:59:59pm AOE
  • - Workshop: Nov 10, 2019.

Submission Guidelines

Submitted papers must be unpublished and must not be currently under review for any other publication. Notes and Abstract paper submissions must be at most 2 or 4 single-spaced US Letter (8.5"x11") pages, including figures, tables, and appendices (excluding references). All submissions must use the LaTeX (preferred) or Word styles found here. Authors must make a good faith effort to anonymize their submissions by (1) using the "anonymous" option for the class and (2) using "anonsuppress" section where appropriate. Papers that do not meet the size, formatting, and anonymization requirements will not be reviewed. Please note that ACM uses 9-pt fonts in all conference proceedings, and the style (both LaTeX and Word) implicitly define the font size to be 9-pt.

Submission site: link