November 16, 2020, Yokohama, Japan

2nd ACM Workshop on Device-Free Human Sensing

A Buildsys 2020 Workshop



The advent of human sensing has enabled many applications in smart buildings and cities, including healthcare, energy management, and marketing. Considerable work has been done in the recent past to sense the human using devices which they carry or wear, such as smartphones and wearables. These approaches, although potentially accurate, have high installation and maintenance requirement which limits their application in some real-life applications. For example, in eldercare monitoring, requiring the elderly to wear or carry a device at all times is an important limitation. This workshop aims to attract novel research papers which enhance device-free human sensing via either developing device-free sensing hardware or designing data-driven, physics-based, or physics-guided data-driven algorithms to extract meaningful information about human status, activities, and behavioral patterns.

Important Dates

  • - Submission deadline: September 18 2020 September 29 2020, 11:59:59pm AOE
  • - Notifications: October 6 2020 October 9 2020, 11:59:59pm AOE
  • - Camera ready: October 16 2020, 11:59:59pm AOE
  • - Workshop: Nov 16, 2020


Sponsor information for DFHS 2020 coming soon!